Richard miller irest interview
Richard miller irest interview

richard miller irest interview

RM: When I attended my first training with Judith in 2010, I was surprised and delighted by the diverse demographics of the group-there were more than ninety of us! Differences in participants’ gender and age, as well as where they were from, and the variety of professions (not all yoga teachers!) made me realize that the desire for “relaxation education” is universal and continues to grow.

richard miller irest interview

What surprised you when you trained to teach Relax and Renew™ with Judith Lasater?


Mostly, I've learned how to recognize the power-and, often, the challenge-of silent stillness, whether for myself in my own practice, or as I facilitate and hold the space for someone who’s receiving its benefits. RM: The practice continues to fine-tune what was already in my toolbox, like my intuition, my creativity, my capacity for listening and paying attention. What tools does Restorative Yoga give you that you didn't have before? As I continue to slow down, I find myself becoming a calmer, more patient person. For me that “less-ness” took the form of slowing down-not only in yoga but in all things. RM: During my 20+ years of teaching yoga, I’ve continued to deepen my belief that “less is more,” Learning to teach restorative yoga helped remind me how much I wanted to bring that belief more into my personal life as well. What did learning to teach restorative yoga teach you about yourself? It might occur when their facial expression relaxes after a body part falls effortlessly into place or when a prop is adjusted and they become aware of fully relaxing into what’s supporting them or simply when their breath slows down and they release a soft yet audible sigh, and then smile. Rhoda Miriam: Probably what brings me the most joy is when a student experiences what I call an “ah-ha” moment. What do you enjoy most about teaching restorative yoga?

Richard miller irest interview